Trauma-informed somatic coaching

Our approach to somatic coaching

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to building compassionate connection, while your therapist gets familiar with your lived experience, current stressors, and needs. We believe that somatic coaching is most effective when a secure connection has time to be established. There’s no rush with us.

  • Specific

    Anxious brains don’t like being in the dark when it comes to details and what to expect. This is just one reason why we’ll work together to co-create a specific, accessible, & trauma-informed somatic plan. This plan will evolve & expand over time, just like your window of tolerance.

  • Integrative

    Addressing our mental & physical wellbeing through an intersectional lens means taking an integrative approach. For us, this looks like supporting you to better understand & identify your needs, while building a comprehensive somatic “tool kit” designed with YOU and YOUR nervous system in mind.

Safety is a resource

Achieving a total sense of safety isn’t always accessible - especially for folks who whole multiple, marginalized identities. We aim to support the process of orienting closer to safety.

What’s included in 1:1 sessions

Angela Rockwell writing in notebook
  • Choose between weekly or bi-monthly, 50-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Option to record & receive a transcript

  • Personalized somatic tools & resources to support the process

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email & text*

  • Access to our online community, resource library, & events


How does Therapeutic somatic coaching work?

Somatic coaching is a practice that involves centering the body and examining the connection between it and the mind. Somatic interventions are designed to support folks to move through the physical sensations of their lived experiences - deepening their connection to their bodies & authentic selves.

How does somatic coaching address trauma?

Unlike traditional “talk therapies”, somatic interventions support folks to process through their lived experiences from a physiological perspective; working to strengthen the mind-body connection. This approach centers around supporting folks to expand their window of tolerance as it relates to their chronic stressors & traumatic lived experiences.

I’m neurodivergent - will this work for me?

Many neurodivergent folks find the therapeutic somatic coaching model to be a helpful tool for not only strengthening their interoception, but also better understanding the sensory & stimm needs. We’ll work with you to help identify your nervous system’syucks” and “yumms” as we co-create your individualized somatic plan.

What do I need to do this from home?

Short answer - NOTHING! We believe that making somatic tools accessible is the first step in supporting the healing process. Depending on your specific goals & needs, props like a yoga strap, resistance bands, blocks, bolsters, pillows, & blankets can be helpful. We can also get creative and make do with whatever’s most accessible to and for you.

I have physical limitations & need accommodations. How does that work?

When we say “meet you where you’re at” we mean it - whether that’s from bed, the floor, or your car. We support folks with a variety of physical limitations & disabilities. Somatic interventions DO NOT have to be full body interventions. As we’re getting to know each other, we’ll gain a better understanding of your physical limitations & sensory needs.

What’s the timeline? When does it start “working”?

We like to be REALLY REALLY transparent about this; there really isn’t one AND it’s unique to each individual. Most folks begin to notice positive changes as early as the 4-6 sessions, dependent upon how much access they have to practicing the tools learned in sessions on their own. Dependent upon the complexities of your lived experiences & trauma, somatically processing through that is likely to take significant time. So whether you decide to work with us, or someone else, we ask that you be cautious about anything or anyone who says they can “heal your trauma in X number of sessions”.